Scientific and non-scientific health publications by
Dr. Samefko Ludidi
Dr.Ludidi has truly made a mark in the field with his range of publications. His work covers a variety of topics, reflecting his passion for advancing knowledge and understanding in his area of expertise. Feel free to explore his contributions here.

2023 Food choice architecture: Promoting healthy decision making. Ludidi S, Klosse P, Kosite D, Roefs A – Journal of Integrative & Complementary Medicine A20
2023 The relation between BMI and taste preference. Klosse, P, Ludidi, S, Thomissen S, Lemmens, P – Journal of Integrative & Complementary Medicine A21
2023 The taste check: A new tool to match taste preference. Klosse, P, Ludidi, S, Born S – Journal of Integrative & Complementary Medicine A22
2021 Intermittent Fasting as a Solution for Obesity. S. Ludidi – Ortho Fyto Journal for (para)medical specialists [NL]
2021 Healthy Fasting during Ramadan [Book; EN, NL, FR]. S. Ludidi - Translations: M. Strusi, B. Mortimer - Ubundabooks, Maastricht, Netherlands
2020 The Dr. Ludidi Method of Intermittent Fasting [Book, EN]. S. Ludidi - Translation w/ B. Mortimer - Ubundabooks, Maastricht, Netherlands
2020 Lifestyle Essentials [Book; EN]. S. Ludidi - Ubundabooks, Maastricht, Netherlands
2019 The Power of Intermittent Fasting. S. Ludidi – Ortho Fyto Journal (para)medical specialists [NL]
2019 De dr. Ludidi Vastenmethode [Book; NL]. S. Ludidi - Unieboek Spectrum Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2017 Biomarkers for visceral hypersensitivity for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Mujagic Z, Jonkers D, Ludidi S, Keszthelyi D, Hesselink M, Weerts Z, Kievit R, Althof J, Leue C, Kruimel J, Schooten FJ, Masclee A – Neurogastroenterology & Motility
2016 Gender differences in IBS: Seperate pathophysiological background. Thijssen A, Jonkers D, Ludidi S, Keszthelyi D, Vork L , Hesselink M, Mujagic Z, Masclee A – Neurogastroenterology & Motility
2016 Alterations in serotonin metabolism in the irritable bowel syndrome. Thijssen A, Mujagic Z, Jonkers D, Ludidi S, Keszthelyi D, Hesselink M, Clemens C, Kruimel J, Conchillo J, Masclee A – Alimentary, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2015 The intestinal barrier in irritable bowel syndrome: subtype-specific effects of the systemic compartment in an in vitro model.Ludidi S*, Jonkers D, Elamin E, Pieters HJ, Schaepkens E, Bours P, Kruimel J, Conchillo J, Masclee A – PLoS One
2015 Small intestinal permeability is increased in diarrhoea predominant IBS, while alterations in gastroduodenal permeability in all IBS subtypes are largely attributable to confounders. Mujagic Z*, Ludidi S*, Keszthelyi D, Hesslink M, Kruimel JW, K Lenaerts, Hanssen NMJ, Conchillo JM, Jonkers DM, Masclee AA – Alimentary, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
2014 Clinical aspects of patients with irritable bowel syndrome, with a special focus on visceral hypersensitivity and intestinal permeability. Ludidi S - ISBN: 978-90-9028436-1
2014 Markers for visceral hypersensitivity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Ludidi S*, Mujagic Z*, Jonkers DM, Keszthelyi D, Hesslink M, Kruimel JW, Conchillo JM, Masclee AA – Neurogastroenterology & Motility
2014 Su2057 Markers for Visceral Hypersensitivity in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Ludidi S*, Mujagic Z*, Jonkers DM, Keszthelyi D, Hesslink M, Kruimel JW, Conchillo JM, Masclee AA – Neurogastroenterology & Motility
2014 Su2045 Gut Permeability in IBS is Site Specific, Subtype Dependent and Affected by Confounding Factors. Mujagic Z*, Ludidi S*, Keszthelyi D, Hesselink M, Kruimel JW, Lenaerts K, Hansen N, Conchillo J, Jonkers DM, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2014 Randomized controlled trial on the effect of a multi species probiotic on visceroperception in hypersensitive IBS patients. Ludidi S, Jonkers DM, Koning CJ, Kruimel, JW, Mulder L, Besseling- van der Vaart I, Conchillo JM, Masclee AA – Neurogastroenterology & Motility
2013 Alterations in mucosal neuropeptides in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis in remission: A role in pain symptom generation? Keszthelyi D, Troost FJ, Jonkers DM, Helyes Z, Hamer HM, Ludidi S, Vanhoutvin S, Venema K, Dekker J,Szolcsányi J, Masclee AA – European Journal of Pain
2013 Su2064 Effect of a Multispecies Probiotic on Visceroperception in Hypersensitive IBS Patients. Ludidi S, Jonkers DM, Koning C, Kruimel JW, Mulder L, Besseling-van der Vaart I, Conchillo JM, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2013 Effect of cholecystokinin on rectal motor and sensory function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and healthy controls. van der Schaar PJ, van Hoboken E, Ludidi S, Masclee AA – Colorectal Diseases
2012 Rectal hypersensitivity as hallmark for irritable bowel syndrome: defining the optimal cut-off. Ludidi S, Conchillo JM, Keszthelyi D, van Avesaat M, Kruimel JW, Jonkers DM, Masclee AA – Neurogastroenterology & Motility
2012 Revisiting concepts of visceral nociception in irritable bowel syndrome. Keszthelyi D, Troost FJ, Simrén M, Ludidi S, Kruimel JW, Conchillo JM, Masclee AA – European Journal of Pain
2012 Mo1851 Mucosal Levels of Substance P and Somatostatin are Increased in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Keszthelyi D, Troost FJ, Jonkers DM, Helyes Z, Tagoly B, Hamer HM, Vanhoutvin SA, Ludidi S, Venema K, Dekker J, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2012 Tu1358 Can the Systemic Compartment Contribute to Barrier Disruption in Diarrhea Predominant IBS Patients? Ludidi S, Elamin EE, Pieters HJ, Bours P, Schaepkens E, Conchillo JM, Jonkers DM, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2011 Does meal ingestion enhance sensitivity of visceroperception assessment in irritable bowel syndrome? Ludidi S, Conchillo JM, Keszthelyi D, Koning CJ, Vanhoutvin SA, Lindsey PJ, Leufkens AM, Kruimel JW, Jonkers DM, Masclee AA – Neurogastroenterology & Motility
2011 Assessment of Pain Perception in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Towards an Optimal Definition of Rectal Hypersensitivity. Ludidi S, Conchillo JM, Keszthelyi D, Avesaat M, Jonkers DM, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2011 Altered Expression of Tight Junction Proteins in Mucosal Samples of Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Keszthelyi D, Jonkers DM Schaepkens E, Ludidi S, Vanhoutvin S, Hamers HM, Dekkers J, Troost F, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2011 Timing of Meal Ingestion Determines Gastric Emptying of a Test Drink. Keszthelyi D, Knol D, Troost F, Ludidi S, Sleijpen R, Avesaat M, Gribnau M, Foltz M, Duchateau G, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2010 S1809 Is Visceroperception in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Influenced by Meal Ingestion? Ludidi S, Conchillo JM, Koning C, Vanhoutvin S, Jonkers DM, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology
2010 S1795 The Serotonin Precursor 5-Hydroxytryptophan Induces Rectal Allodynia in Humans. Kesztheyli D, Troost F, Ludidi S, Eijk van H, Jonkers DM, Buurman W, Dekker J, Masclee AA – Gastroenterology